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Santa Clara Libre Hotel
Santa Clara Libre Hotel
Santa Clara, Villa Clara
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  Important notes


To summarize in few words a life so rich is impossible. Any try wouldn’t be worthwhile, but these notes are very useful.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna is born on June 14th, 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. At the age of two, he suffers from his first asthma attack. In 1932, the family moves to the city of Altagracia following the doctor’s advice.
In December 1947, he begins in the Medical Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires . During 1952, he travels around Argentina , Chile , Perù , Colombia , and Venezuela together with his inseparable friend Alberto Dìaz.
On June 12 th, 1953 , he gets graduated as a doctor and on July 6 th, he departs to Venezuela . However, the situation he finds in Bolivia and his later contact with exile Latino- Americans in Perù make him change his mind.
In December 1953, he arrives in Guatemala . In January 1954, he gets his first contact with a Cuban citizen in Costa Rica . It is Antonio Ñico Lòpez, a participant in the attack to the Moncada Garrison with whom he establishes a friendship.
In July 1955, he meets Fidel Castro in Mexico and gets involved with the revolutionary cause as the doctor of the future Granma expedition.
On November 25 th, 1956 , the revolutionary fighters leave Tuxpan port towards Cuba . The landing takes place on December 2 nd after a few difficulties during the journey.
On January 17 th, 1957 , he participates in the first rebel victory in La Plata located in the mountainous bulk of the Sierra Maestra. On May 28 th, an important victory is obtained during the attack to the Uvero garrison. According to Che, this combat marks the maturity of the rebel army.
On August 21 st, 1958 , he receives the order for leaving towards Las Villas province to become the leader of the July 26 th Movement groups in the area. He fulfils this task ten days later. Another column guided by Commander, Camilo Cienfuegos also takes part in the invasion.
On October 15 th, after travelling more than 500 kilometres he arrives at the Escambray Mountains .
On December 28 th, he begins the attack to the city of Santa Clara as part of the final offensive of the rebel army. This fact comes into reality on December31st, with the revolutionary victory.
On January 2 nd, 1959 , he moves to Havana .
On February 7th, he is granted Cuban citizenship.
On November 26 th, 1959 , He is named President of the National Bank of Cuba .
On March 4 th, 1960 , he goes to the place where the French ship, “La Coubre” burst into flames. The following day of the sabotage during the burials of the victims of that explosion Che’s image is stamped in the later on unforgettable photo taken by the photographer Alberto Korda.
On October 31 st, he begins a journey along the countries of the Socialist Community. He visits Czechoslovakia , the Soviet Union , Germany , Hungary , China and Korea Democratic Republic.
On February 23 rd, he is named Minister of Industry.
On August 2 nd, he travels as the head of the Cuban Delegation to Punta del Este , Uruguay in order to participate in the Conference of the Inter-American Socio- economic Counsel.
On October 22 nd, 1962 with the breakout of the October Crisis he is assigned to protect the western region of the Cuban territory against the enemy. He establishes his command post in the “Sierra de los Òrganos” in Pinar del Rìo.
On June 30 th, 1963 , he travels to Algeria to participate in the celebrations of the Independence anniversary of that country.
On March 17 th, 1964 , he travels towards Geneva to take part on the World Conference of Trade and Development.
On March 12 th, 1965 the Uruguayans a weekly “Marcha” publishes Che’s article entitled “Man and Socialism in Cuba ”.
On October 3 rd, Fidel reads Che’s farewell letter during the act of the constitution of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party.
On November 3 rd, 1966 , Che arrives in La Paz , Bolivia , under the name of Adolfo Mena Gonzàlez with an Uruguayan passport. On the 7 th of the same month he gets into the guerrilla.
On April 18 th, 1967 , his message to the people of the world through the Tricontinental Conference is published in Cuba .
On October 8 th, he is wounded in combat at Quebrada del Yuro. On October 9 th, he is murdered at Higuera town. Later on, the whole world knows about his life in the Bolivian guerrilla when his diary is published.
Then, On June 28 th, 1997 , a group of Cuban and Argentine experts discovers a mass grave with the remains of Che and other six guerrillas in Valle Grande.
On July 12 th, his relatives and the top leaders of the Revolution at San Antonio de los Baños Airport receive Che’s remains. Since October 17 th, Che’s remains are in the mausoleum that was erected on his honour in the city of Santa Clara.

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