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  Che's farewell


March 1965, Havana

“Year of the the Agriculture”


Many things come to my mind at this precise moment as for example the time when I met you at María Antonia’s house, when you proposed me to come, and all the tensions I had during the preparations. One day someone came asking to whom they could turn to in case of death and the real possibility of that fact surprised us all. Afterwards, we knew that it was true because you triumph or die in a revolution (if it is a true one). Many comrades died throughout the path towards the victory.

Today, things aren’t so dramatic because we are matures, but history continues and facts are repeated again. I feel that I have accomplished the part of my duty, which tied me to this Cuban Revolution in your nation and I say good-bye to you, the colleagues, and your own country that is already mine.

I quit in a very formal way all my responsibilities in the direction of the Communist Party, my position as Minister, my rank of Commander, and my condition of Cuban citizen. Nothing legal ties me to Cuba only strings of other connotations that can not be broken as the official position.

Thinking about the life I have left behind I believe I have worked with enough honesty and dedication to strengthen the revolutionary triumph. My only fault of certain significance is not having trusted you even more since the first moments in the Sierra Maestra besides, not having understood clearly your traits as a leader and revolutionary man. I have lived marvellous days and I felt by your side the pride of belonging to our people in the shining and sad days of the Caribbean Crisis. Few times a leader shone higher than during those days. I also feel proud of having followed your steps without hesitating, as I felt myself identified with your way of thinking, and observing, and appreciating dangers and principles.

Other nations of the world are claiming the contest of my simplest efforts. I can do what is forbidden for you due to your responsibility as the head of Cuba and the time to get apart have arrived.

You should know that I do this with a mixture of joy and pain. I left here the purest part of my hopes as a construction worker, which pierce one part of my spirit. I will take with me to the new battlefields: the faith you taught the revolutionary spirit of my people, and the feeling of fulfilling with the most sacred of all the duties: to fight against imperialism wherever I am, and this relieves me and heals greatly any other suffering.

I say once more that I free Cuba of any responsibility, except the one, which comes from its own example. If the dead surprises me under another nation, my last thought will be for this people and especially for you. Now, I thank you for all your teachings and your examples to which I always try to be faithful till the last consequences of my actions. I have always felt identified with the foreign policy and I am still identified with it. That wherever I stand I will feel the responsibility of being a Cuban revolutionary and as such I will conduct myself. I do not let anything material to my wife and kids and I am not ashamed for that: I’m glad, things happen in this way. I don’t ask anything for them because I know the government will give them what they need in terms of living and education.

I would have many things to say to you and your people but I feel they are no necessary, words can no express what I would wish to say. Besides, It’s not worth to smudge sheets of papers.

‘Hasta la victoria siempre’ ¡Patria o Muerte!

Embrace you with all revolutionary fervor



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