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Santa Clara Libre Hotel
Santa Clara Libre Hotel
Santa Clara, Villa Clara
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  A simple and sensitive doctor


It would be quiet indispensable to highlight the simplicity and sensitivity among the virtues that were always with him without putting away his iron character when it was needed. Those who knew him remember him for such personality traits. He was considered a very demanding man with others and himself, an example of willingness and humanism. In August 1960, he talked about some of his experiences as a graduated medical student and others he had while travelling throughout some countries of America: “I started to be in contact with misery, hunger, and diseases being incapable of assisting a boy because of the lack of medicines (…) but I was still, as all of us are, son of the society. I wanted to help those people with my own personal effort.” Perhaps, that experience made him get to the conclusion that a Revolution must come first in order to be a revolutionary doctor. Therefore, he didn’t hesitate at the time of the guerrilla struggle in the Sierra Maestra, not even a minute when he had to choose between his rifle and bullets or his knapsack with medicines due to his daily asthma attacks which didn’t let him carry a heavy load on his shoulders. Perhaps, that’s why he tried to develop a strong body in times of peace, but not with the artistic work of a physician on a weak organism. He intended to develop that strong body through the support of many social factors. That calling to solidarity that he proclaimed and proved with his own example was also presented here.

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