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Santa Clara Libre Hotel
Santa Clara Libre Hotel
Santa Clara, Villa Clara
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from 31.00 €/night
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  United by history


During the days of struggle in the Sierra Maestra, Fidel Castro gave the order of starting an invasion that would end in the capital of the country choosing two of his best guerrillas for such a task.
History joined forever these two exceptional friends. That’s why, the early physical disappearance of Camilo, his brother in struggles pierced Che’s soul quiet deep. So that once he wrote:
“We shall not only see Camilo as an isolated hero who achieves marvellous deeds just as the impetus of his genius, but as part itself of the people who formed him, as it forms its heroes, its martyrs or its leaders in the huge period of struggle under difficult conditions.”
“Camilo, the guerrilla is a permanent object of every-day life evocation. The one who made this and that <a certain feature of Camilo>, the one who provided the Cuban Revolution with his precise and indelible signal. The one present in those who couldn’t make it and the others who are about to come to this world.”
In its daily and immortal revival, Camilo is our people image.

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